General Contractor | Pro-Teck
Architect | Brett Schulz

You can’t miss it. The Tree Farm is a virtually perfect bright blue cube, 86’ on a side, hugging the Morrison Bridge. It’s an unmistakable contrast to the historically industrial central East Portland.
Arguably the most striking feature, and its namesake, are the 56 evergreen strawberry trees hanging off the side of this six story mixed use retail/office building.
Arctic was privileged to have installed the bright blue canvas for the hand painted floral design of Portland artist Michael Paulus. 20,000 square feet of custom AEP Span Flush FP12 panels finished in ‘Bermuda Blue’ encase the entirety of the top five floors.
Custom fabricated coping, head, sill, jamb, and transition flashing were also finished in Bermuda Blue for a seamless backdrop to this dynamic addition to Portland’s architecture.